Dreamer at Mehville.

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Travelling Vol. Bali

I went to Bali, Indonesia for the first time with my best friend in 2011. Initially, it was supposed to be a group of friends, but somehow we just couldn’t arrange the schedule to accommodate everyone, so in the end only two of us actually make it there.

This is one of those trips I went with friend, not with family.

Day 1

We stayed at AlamKulKul resort which is just a stone throw away from the beach :

We find a christmas tree made out of corn quite interesting, lol :

Another lame pose :

After dinner, we went out to the beach for a stroll under the moonlight, lol :

We spent our first night in Bali getting drunk with absolute vodka Cherry in our own suite, images were too obscene to be shown here, I’ll leave that to your imagination :

Day 2

Still not fully sober yet, we were picked up by our private guide/driver; a really cool bro.

The morning part of the day was...

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Travelling Vol. Russia


My family never fails to take 2 weeks or so off in a year to travel abroad, slowly ticking off places we been to from the world map. We’ve been to countries in the Asia continents such as Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Indonesia.

Other places outside of Asia include Australia, United States of America, Dubai, Egypt and the marvellous countries of Scandinavia which are Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Switzerland, Italy and Germany are on the list too.

Among all of these countries our family visited, I was not with them every single time, the members of family being 14 in number, we are a rather big group and naturally not everyone shares same taste and same vacation time of the year. So, there were countries we went together as one whole group and also occasions that we split and went on differently.

This year as of 2014 however, as one complete...

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